What Direct iT Is Doing To Keep You Secure – Summer 2018 Update
New Bluebox™ security features for our RemoteNet customers – we’ve been adding enhanced tools and services to better allow us to scan our customer networks for potential vulnerabilities, identify infected computers, and resolve security issues
Training our customers – we’ve been on the road visiting customers at their offices and at many different events and conferences, training them on the newest threats and ways to stay safe
Training our team — we’ve been ramping up our ongoing security training for all engineers; we also are going to be going to Las Vegas next week during the SecureWorld and Defcon security conferences, where we’ll be meeting with security experts and researchers on the cutting edge to stay on top of all the latest tools, techniques, and threats
New Direct iT Cloud Managed AV Features (powered by Symantec ) – we have been rolling out a number of new features designed to better detect behavior of zero-day exploits and ransomware
Improving security, encryption and monitoring for customer backups
Evaluating and testing new security products and services, including:
Sonicwall™ Capture Cloud, a system that uses artificial intelligence and the cloud to allow Sonicwall firewalls to detect and block brand-new exploits
Third Party Pentesting and Security Audit Services that allow third-parties to review our work and help identify vulnerabilities in our customers’ networks
SecureWorks™ MDR (Managed Detect and Respond), a combination intrusion detection and security event monitoring solution that also leverages a 24/7 security NOC that can respond in minutes when a security breach or severe risk is detected
Duo™ Security Two Factor Authentication(2FA) – a second step when you login that prevents hackers from being able to get in with just a stolen password