The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the next decade?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution in the next decade?
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If you were to predict what the greatest change in business would be in a post-2020 world what would you say? Sure, more people will likely be washing their hands, but in actuality, the shift to remote work fast-tracked the next industrial leap: Industry 4.0.

Before the pandemic, manufacturers were already moving towards smart technology applications, whether through robotics, autonomous vehicles, or Internet of Things (IoT) devices that tie them all together.

So what goes into smart manufacturing? Picture this: autonomous vehicles carrying materials and products around the warehouse floor, while above it a piece of machinery is on its last stand. Thankfully, sensors installed to monitor for warning signs were able to find the problem before an issue became apparent to the workers. Different sensors will be able to detect different issues at a faster rate than we can, which sometimes can make the difference when it comes to workplace safety.

Mass production lines will have even more sensors that can detect weight, color, and alignment for quality control purposes. Production lines will be monitored down to the millisecond.

The so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution” is definitely exciting, but keep in mind that the more we depend on networks, the more risk. The next decade will see just how important having a safe and secure network will be.