Taking Ligris from Small and Stagnant to Scalable and Thriving: How Partnering With Direct iT Helped Grow Our Business Exponentially

Taking Ligris from Small and Stagnant to Scalable and Thriving: How Partnering With Direct iT Helped Grow Our Business Exponentially
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This article originally appeared in Direct iT's new magazine, New England Cyber Defender, which you can read for free here.

Ligris is a boutique law firm specializing primarily in commercial and residential real estate as well as things like estate planning, landlord-tenant litigation suits, and more. We currently have 58 employees, 28 of whom are attorneys, across three locations in Massachusetts and two sister locations in New York and Florida. However, our business was not always this expansive and thriving.

When I first joined Ligris in 2010 as the Chief Operating Officer (COO), my primary role was to take over the operations piece including our technology services, finance, HR, and recruiting so that the founding partners could focus on business development. I knew the founding partners well, having gone to high school and college with them and working at the same finance firm post-graduation. So coming into Ligris felt like coming home. Stepping into my new role, however, I quickly realized that we would need to make a significant investment into our technology services if we were going to see scalable YoY growth.

At the time, our IT support at Ligris came from a solo technician that everyone called Computer Bob. Computer Bob was a great solution for when Ligris was a smaller firm, but unfortunately, with our big plans for business development and growth, we knew that Computer Bob’s support just wouldn’t be enough. We needed to find a full-service IT firm that would generate customized infrastructure incorporating scalable solutions with a focus on data security and protection. Thankfully, through some recommendations from friendly competitors, we found Direct iT.

Upon meeting with David from Direct iT, I told him about our goals, what we wanted our reputation to be, and what we envisioned for the future of Ligris. Then, we sat down together and he created a WISP (Written Information Security Plan) for Ligris. I remember being immediately impressed by his no-nonsense approach to IT services. David and his team aren’t there to sell you a one-size-fits-all package with a bunch of features you don’t need. Instead, Direct iT creates a front-to-back solution for your business that’s specialized to suit your needs and goals. And they’ve delivered on all this and more.

For example, when we decided we wanted to apply for specialized compliance certification, our first call was to the team at Direct iT. They went above and beyond, helping us identify any gaps and prepare for the review in a very personalized, hands-on approach. To further this point, when we decided to enlist a data center, they were in every email thread advocating for the best deal possible on our behalf.

As both these examples illustrate, it’s not just about solving the problem and moving on. No, with Direct iT, it’s always about finding the most effective, cost-efficient, and streamlined solution for your unique business needs. And we see this in nearly every interaction we have with them, whether it’s helping us ensure compliance, setting up new computers after acquiring a new firm, or answering our questions about our WISP, among so many other examples.

Ultimately, working with Direct iT has not only enabled us to scale our business and experience significant growth but it allowed us to work confidently each day knowing that our data security needs are being met, that we’ve integrated the best-specialized technology solutions, and that their team is there to support us whenever we need. We honestly cannot say enough good things about David and his team at Direct iT, but we will say a big thank you for all you’ve done for our business!