Hackers Halt Family Reunification Efforts

Hackers Halt Family Reunification Efforts
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Hackers have scooped the data of more than 515,000 people from the Red Cross, according to a press release by the organization mid-January. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, the information obtained includes confidential and personal identifying information of "highly vulnerable people, including those separated from their families due to conflict, migration and disaster, missing persons and their families, and people in detention."

The attack targeted a third-party company based in Switzerland which the Red Cross uses to back up their data.

"While we don't know who is responsible for this attack, or why they carried it out, we do have this appeal to make to them," said Robert Mardini, the Red Cross' Director-General, speaking directly to the threat actors. "Your actions could potentially cause yet more harm and pain to those who have already endured untold suffering. The real people, the real families behind the information you now have are among the world's least powerful. Please do the right thing. Do not share, sell, leak or otherwise use this data."

According to the Washington Post, the organization was forced to cease work while unable to access their data. While they work reuniting about a dozen families a day, this work has been halted.

The Washington Post goes onto suggest that because details are murky and no one has claimed responsibility, the threat actors may have nation-state backing.

In addition, about 2000 staff and volunteers had their credentials exposed as well.